$625 per team ($675 online)
$75 Individual/House Team ($80 online)
6 games per session
40 minute games
8 teams per age group (2015 & 2016 birth years will have 4 teams per age group)
Roster of 10 players
Session 2 registration deadline January 10th
Session 2 - Jan 24th - Feb 28th
Register as a Team ($625) or House Team/Individual ($75)
6:30PM-8:00PM (2014/11U GIRLS) (Game times 6:30PM & 7:20PM)
8:10PM-11:20PM (2010 BOYS - COLLEGE MEN) (Game times 8:10PM, 9:00PM, 9:50PM & 10:40PM) Most games will be played in the earlier time slots.
Session 2 - Jan 25th - March 1st
Register as a Team ($625) or House Team/Individual ($75)
8:00AM-9:30AM (2016/9U BOYS) (Game times 8:00AM & 8:50AM)
8:00AM-9:30AM (2015/10U BOYS) (Game times 8:00AM & 8:50AM)
9:40AM-11:10AM (2014/11U BOYS) (Game times 9:40AM & 10:30AM)
11:20AM-12:50PM (2013/12U BOYS) (Game times 11:20AM & 12:10PM)
1:00PM-2:30PM 2012/(13U BOYS) (Game times 1:00PM & 1:50PM)
2:40PM-4:10PM (2011/14U BOYS) (Game times 2:40PM & 3:30PM)
4:20PM-7:30PM (2010/15U GIRLS - COLLEGE WOMEN) (Game times 4:20PM, 5:10PM, 6:00PM, & 6:50PM) Most games will be played in the earlier time slots.
Session 2 - Jan 26th - March 2nd
Register as a Team ($625) or House Team/Individual ($75)
12:00PM-1:30PM (2011/14U GIRLS) (Game times 12:00PM & 12:50PM)
1:40PM-3:10PM (2012/13U GIRLS) (Game times 1:40PM & 2:30PM)
3:20PM-4:50PM (2013/12U GIRLS) (Game times 3:20PM & 4:10PM)
5:00PM-6:30PM (2016/9U GIRLS) (Game times 5:00PM & 5:50PM)
5:00PM-6:30PM (2015/10U GIRLS) (Game times 5:00PM & 5:50PM)